While I appreciate the concern for the questionable meaning of modern conservatism, this essay meanders far too much. Despite his irritation with what conservatism has become, the writer does not...
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I disagree with Meyrat that the writer has not explained himself. I think that the terms Tory, reactionary, Loyalist and Jacobite give us a pretty fair idea of the man's position, at least within the...
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All I can say is, amen, brother! It has dawned on me over the last year or so that Republicans aren't really conservative; they are being swayed by popular opinion and becoming less distinguishable...
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That's me for sure, as "Meyrat" observes: meandering, & not nearly as good as G.K. Chesterton. Perhaps that's why he missed my point: that the term "conservative" is insubstantial; that a Catholic...
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This is a thoughtful piece Mr. Warren. This is the fundamental dilemma of US "conservatives". They have no idea what it is they are trying to conserve. This cannot by the way be "the free market" since...
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We need the Social Kingship of Christ. It would be helpful for us to refamiliarize ourselves with Immortale Dei and Quas Primas. - JLM
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I agree that "conservative" is a problematic term -- not so much from the etymology as from the inconsistency of its usage. On the other hand, "reactionary" doesn't exactly work, either. My dad is...
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We've been confusing social and economic issues in our alliances of convenience. A person can be socially conservative and economically liberal (i.e. leftist) or vice versa. Social conservatives have...
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For my part, I try daily to relate better to Christ, the Pope and the Magisterium. If I'm even a little more successful at this goal, they can call me what ever they want. Ad hominem attacks against...
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“We need to accept gay marriage for the sake of the larger cause.” For the sake of the "larger base" supporters. Because the society as a whole has become "base". And when I say "base," I'm using the...
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So you asked the question, What exactly are we trying to conserve? If you believe that Western/European civilization is the civilization created by Christians, then what we want to conserve are the...
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@Ray: That is useless advice -- not because it is wrong, but because trying to be better Catholics is something we all know we should be doing. We should also remember to breathe at least once every...
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@Howard: If you live your life the way our Church prescribes, that will be your explanation. Pray daily, learn more about your faith, give freely of your time and talent, and learn how to spread the...
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What an erudite and well-informed bunch blogs here in reaction to what was posted by David Warren. I would actually go so far as to call it formidable. And Athanasius is brilliant in his reactive blog...
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Good, at last some of my fellow Catholics are beginning to see beyond "conservatism" like our should-be allies the White nationalists have. - Julius A
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The state has no business in the issue of marriage, if the church is against gay then thats a religious issue ' not an issue concerning the state .. anyone against gay marriage needs to think more...
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So, David I, your post somewhat confuses me; if the state, any state, ALIGNS itself with the Catholic Church in the "issue" of gay marriage, and OFFICIALLY opposes it, will not recognize it, even...
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To me, David Warren's wonderfully provocative essay, as well as the thoughtful commentary that followed it, reveals one central truth, namely, that none of us want to stand alone, that all of us tend...
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This is a thoughtful ideas! The gay is a religious issue. But the marriage is not a business of the state. I think christians should keep the state leave the marriage issue. - Leonard Jenkins
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